We're ever grateful to the many hundreds of clients who we've worked with to reduce their single use plastic footprint, and we would love to show a case study here for every single one of them, but many work under non disclosure agreements so unfortunately we're unable to do this, but we're steadily building up a list of ones that we can to showcase a wide selection of our bespoke products on this page. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about any of these projects and we'll be pleased to help.

Reusable Stillage sides
Large metal stillages are used by this multinational furniture company to transport flat packed furniture across the UK, Europe and the USA and these were always wrapped in large amounts of plastic shrink wrap which amounted to a huge amount of plastic waste. We designed a strong and durable reusable stillage side with metal components to ensure the products were kept free from any damage.
Another issue that was resolved was the inconsistency of the shrink wrap application which often resulted in heavy furniture boxes coming lose during transport and causing irreparable damage.
Reusable Stillage wraps
With a huge variety of electrical parts being manufactured in-house, this electrical supplier uses hundreds of metal stillages to transport the parts internally between assembly stations and they we previously using an excessive amount of rolls of plastic pallet wrap to secure the parts inside the stillages.
We designed a bespoke set of stillage wraps which have a unique way of attachment meaning the wrap is always kept as part of the stillage which makes the system extremely easy and efficient to use. The company has a directive from the CEO to constantly find ways to reduce plastic use and this was an excellent way to meet their goals.

Reusable pallet wraps
This electrical supplier deals with multinational IT contractors with one in particular stating that all suppliers must deliver goods completely free of any plastic, which even comes down to the tape on the boxes. We designed and manufactured a bespoke reusable pallet wrap with metal components to ensure longevity and this included a large logo for added security and to increase brand awareness. These wraps are now several years old and are still working effectively to meet the client’s needs.
The manager was so impressed by the product we supplied that he wrote the following testimonial which really epitomised our whole attitude and focus to meet the brief perfectly every time.
‘PalBand were absolutely instrumental in us achieving our complete removal of single use plastic pallet wrap from our weekly deliveries to a major contract customer. They worked with us to design a bespoke product fitting our exact needs over the course of several consultations, with several prototype & field tests. Our customer was very impressed with the final product and it has recommended it to other suppliers into their stores. PalBand’s responsiveness, professionalism and a patience we probably didn’t deserve was very much appreciated and I would not hesitate to recommend anyone looking to reduce their SUP footprint to work with them; you absolutely will not be disappointed!’
Reusable pallet wraps
This company proves that reusable pallet wraps can be used in so many kinds of industry and market, as long as there’s a return loop for the wraps either internally or externally.
This bakery has a made a huge difference to their SUP footprint by replacing the shrink wrap used constantly day and night for wrapping containers of bakery items being proved before being baked. The wraps are incredibly easy and efficient to use and have long since paid for themselves with many more years of service ahead as the company continues to grow exponentially.

Please Get In Touch
Palband reusable packaging products have brought about a step change in many of our clients processes by removing the need to use single use plastic for wrapping pallets, roll cage trolleys, stillages and many other items used within the warehousing and logistics departments of a wide ranging array of industries and markets. Get in touch today so we can tell your story about the change you made from single use to reusable and how you've done your bit to reduce plastic polution worldwide.